FAQ entry

Keywords: All, Open General, transport,

What is “organic transport”? What is the difference between organic and non-organic transports?

Organic transports are mostly ground transports (often abbreviated as GTP) with a few exceptions like helos in OLGCW (but still in class #7) or submarine transports, while the air, naval, rail and helicopter transports are called non-organic transport. Both kinds of transports have the same role: moving the main unit faster, but non-organic transport also make possible moving through special terrains like ocean, railway, air.

The most important differences between them are these:

  1. Human players should buy the organic transport for their transportable units (like infantry, towed guns) at HQ, while non-organic transports are predefined free slots in a scenario, players shouldn’t pay for them.
  2. Organic transport is always available after you purchased one, the non-organic transports are only available when the scenario maker allows them.
  3. Units with GTP can mount / dismount almost everwhere, while embark / disembark (jumping in and out of a non-organic transport) may be restricted, e.g. air transport is available at airfields, naval transport at ports, rail transport alongside a railway line or only in a railway station, however, the helo transport is available everywhere too.
  4. You can lose the organic transport by moving a special terrain (e.g. forest, swamp, mountain, river), where the main unit can but the GTP can’t go, while the non-organic transport simply can’t enter a hex where it shouldn’t go (e.g. a naval transport to the ground).
  5. Some of the organic transports can also embark a non-organic transport (e.g. bicycle is air / rail /naval transportable, trucks are naval transportable), some of them will be lost when their main unit embarked. Non-organic transports can’t embark to another transports.