The Open General and Open Suite source code is developed by Luis Guzmán, who is the sole copyright holder of that code and the associated executables (OpenGen.exe, OpenSuite.exe). These executable cannot be edited, modified, renamed at all, and they can be hosted or redistributed only with the permission of its creator.
The rights to the rest of the files: equipment files, campaigns, scenarios, icons, maps, and media files, are the exclusive property of their respective creators. Users can freely use these files and packages, but anyone who wants to host, edit, rename or redistribute any of these files should respect the license terms (EULA) set by the owner(s) of the particular file(s) in question. If no EULA is set for a particular file or package, it can be hosted, edited, renamed or redistributed only with the permission of its creator(s). Designers sending a file or package to be hosted on this site are asked to provide the license terms for their product(s).
If someone thinks any of the files or packages hosted on this site would infringe anybody else’s copyright, he or she is asked to report this issue immediately on the OpenGen Forums, and the maintainers of this site can remove the unauthorized material immediately.
The software is licensed “as-is”. You bear the risk of using it, and the program’s various contributors do not accept any responsibility regarding any damage to software or hardware that may occur while using this program.
The authors of this site do not support extremist ideologies, authoritarian or expansionist regimes. This game is a strategic simulation and symbols associated with historical events are included only as a matter of historical record.
This site ( is developed and designed by Csaba Zsadányi-Nagy (lvjtn) based on Brett Foster’s (tinyrodent) concept.